Monday, March 22, 2010

Things are getting crazy

Things are getting crazy around here. I don't know if it's the change of season or what.

Last week hubby was off all week, so we were on the go all day EVERYDAY.
I have this week to 'relax' and get into my routine again. BUT only for a week.

I don't know if I've mentioned before but I am in the Air Force Reserves. I haven't done any reserve work since we moved. Trying to get picked up at a new unit, getting all the paperwork done ect. It took some time. This past weekend was my first weekend worked in 7 months!

Next week I will be doing my reserve job. I will be working at that for a few weeks. It would be this week but I have appointments and things to take care of before I can commit to going out there for some time. I will be working for around 4 weeks. It's not bad and of course I will enjoy the money!

Speaking of things I have to do...............*sigh* tomorrow and Wed or Thursday I will be shampooing carpets. Spring cleaning is in full force. I just did windows about a month ago, but I'll probably be doing them as well.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Spring. We are getting some "spring showers" today.


  1. What is your job? Are you allowed to say? Does your family go with you?

  2. I can say.. :) I am supply, meaning I get them the 'supplies' they need. Normally it's Aircraft parts. But this job is more a broad range of stuff. It's only a 20 min drive so it's just like going to a normal job. I'm happy about that! But if I did go far away, I would bring my family!
