Friday, December 18, 2009

REAL winter coats... and being frugal

Happy Friday!

I never thought I would be so excited about getting a coat. Since I've always lived in the south a leather jacket or a pea coat always sufficed. Here it's COLD! So after spin class today, I went straight to the store (the BX here on the base). I bought myself and K new REAL winter coats. They were 50% off LUCKY ME. I was buying them anyway but the fact that they were half off was even better. I also needed a hat and gloves. The kind of gloves that you can build a snowman with, that won't soak through.

Women's gloves are so expensive. I found some I liked then I went to look for K's size. She has an old pair of mine that she wears so she doesn't really need any. I tried them on in the kids department. BINGO this is where it really pays off to be small. I bought kids ski gloves for $4.99! They are black with pink details. If you know me you know that is perfect for me! I also a few days ago needed a belt. So I went to the kids dept. that is where I have gotten mine before. I was just seeing if I could fit one. They are at least 50% cheaper than women's belts. Even though I've gained weight, I got a Large and it fits great! I even have room to spare.

Although I would LOVE to have long legs and be so much more taller. I would love a longer torso! It is times like this that I am thankful I am a short/small person! I saved so much money on the gloves and belt!

This is me in my new coat..cozy! and my kids gloves! lol... Excuse how I look I did just come from spin class!!!


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